
Refereed journal articles

  1. Kremmel, B., & Schmitt, N. (in preparation). Developing and validating a computer-adaptive diagnostic test of vocabulary knowledge
  2. Holzknecht, F., McCray, G., Eberharter, K., Kremmel, B., Spiby, R. & Dunlea, J. (in preparation). The effect of response order on candidate viewing behaviour and item difficulty in a multiple-choice listening test.
  3. Kremmel, B., & Harding, L. (forthcoming). Towards a comprehensive, empirical model of language assessment literacy. 
  4. Kremmel, B. (2016). Word families and frequency bands in vocabulary tests: Challenging conventions. TESOL Quarterly 50(4), 976-987.
  5. Kremmel, B., & Schmitt, N. (2016). Interpreting vocabulary test scores: What do various item formats tell us about learners’ ability to employ words? Language Assessment Quarterly 13(4), 377-392.
  6. Spöttl, C., Kremmel, B., Holzknecht, F., & Alderson, J.C. (2016). Evaluating the achievements and challenges in reforming a national language exam: The reform team’s perspectivePapers in Language Testing and Assessment, 5(1), 1-22.
  7. Kremmel, B., Brunfaut, T., & Alderson, J.C. (2015). Exploring the Role of Phraseological Knowledge in Foreign Language Reading. Applied Linguistics, 1-24. (published open access)
  8. Alderson, J.C., & Kremmel, B. (2013). Re-examining the content validation of a grammar test: The (im)possibility of distinguishing vocabulary and structural knowledge. Language Testing, 30(4), 535-556.


Book chapters

  1. Kremmel, B. (in preparation). Measuring vocabulary learning progress, In: Webb, S. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Studies. New York: Routledge. 
  2. Harding, L., Kremmel, B., & Eberharter, K. (in preparation). Language assessment literacy in spoken language assessment, In: Knoch, U., Mann, W., & Haug, T. (Eds.), Handbook of Language Assessment across Modalities
  3. Kremmel, B., & Spöttl, C. (submitted). How to integrate literature into classroom-based assessment?, In: Spöttl, C., & Ratheiser, U. (Eds.), Literature in language teaching and assessment – new directions (working title)
  4. Kremmel, B., & Eberharter, K. (submitted). How is the Austrian Matura made?, In: Spöttl, C., & Ratheiser, U. (Eds.), Literature in language teaching and assessment – new directions (working title).
  5. Kremmel, B. (submitted). Why integrate literature into language assessment?, In: Spöttl, C., & Ratheiser, U. (Eds.), Literature in language teaching and assessment – new directions (working title)
  6. Stadler, W., & Kremmel, B. (forthcoming). Testgütekritierien, In: Stadler, W., & Hinger, B. (Eds.), Testen und Bewerten fremdsprachlicher Kompetenzen im Unterricht: Eine Einführung. Tübingen: Narr.
  7. Eberharter, K., Kremmel, B., & Zehentner, M. (forthcoming). Aufgabenerstellung und Testentwicklungszyklus, In: Stadler, W., & Hinger, B. (Eds.), Testen und Bewerten fremdsprachlicher Kompetenzen im Unterricht: Eine Einführung. Tübingen: Narr.
  8. Eberharter, K., Kremmel, B., & Konzett, C. (forthcoming). Produktive Fertigkeiten testen und bewerten, In: Stadler, W., & Hinger, B. (Eds.), Testen und Bewerten fremdsprachlicher Kompetenzen im Unterricht: Eine Einführung. Tübingen: Narr.
  9. Eberharter, K., Holzknecht, F., & Kremmel, B. (forthcoming). Evaluating the effectiveness of a training program for double-raters. In Sigott, G. (Ed.): Language Testing in Austria: Taking Stock. Peter Lang. 
  10. Spöttl, C., Eberharter, K., Holzknecht, F., Kremmel, B., & Zehentner, M. (forthcoming). Delivering reform in a high stakes context: from content-based assessment to communicative and competence-based assessment. In Sigott, G. (Ed.): Language Testing in Austria: Taking Stock. Peter Lang. 
  11. Holzknecht, F., Kremmel, B., Konzett, C., Eberharter, K., Konrad, E., & Spöttl, C. (forthcoming). Potentials and challenges of teacher involvement in rating scale design for high-stakes exams. In Xerri, D., & Vella Briffa, P. (Eds.): Teacher involvement in high stakes language testing.
  12. Konrad, E., Spöttl, C., Holzknecht, F., & Kremmel, B. (forthcoming). The role of classroom teachers in standard setting and benchmarking. In Xerri, D., & Vella Briffa, P. (Eds.): Teacher involvement in high stakes language testing. Springer.
  13. Kremmel, B., Eberharter, K., Holzknecht, F., & Konrad, E. (forthcoming). Fostering language assessment literacy through teacher involvement in high-stakes test development. In Xerri, D., & Vella Briffa, P. (Eds.): Teacher involvement in high stakes language testing. Springer.
  14. Kremmel, B., Eberharter, K., & Maurer, M. (forthcoming). Righting Writing Practices? An exam reform’s impact on L2 writing teaching and assessment. In Ruecker, T., & Crusan, D. (Eds.): International Political Contexts of Second Language Writing Assessment
  15. Kremmel, B., & Schmitt, N. (forthcoming). Vocabulary levels test. In Liontas, J. I., DelliCarpini, M., & Riopel, J. C. (Eds.), The TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching.
  16. Holzknecht, F., Eberharter, K., Kremmel, B., McCray, G., Zehentner, M., Konrad, E., & Spöttl, C. (2017). Kognitive Prozesse während Hörverständnisaufgaben: Eine Eye-Tracking und Stimulated-Recall Untersuchung. In: Dalton-Puffer, C., Boeckmann, K.-B., & Hinger, B. (Eds.), Sprachlehr-lernforschung in Österreich. Symposium anlässlich des 10-jährigen Bestehens der ÖGSD, Wien 19.Mai 2017. (ÖGSD Tagungsberichte 2) (pp. 112-115)
  17. Kremmel, B. (2017). Entwicklung und Validierung eines computer-adaptiven Wortschatztests. In: Dalton-Puffer, C., Boeckmann, K.-B., & Hinger, B. (Eds.), Sprachlehr-lernforschung in Österreich. Symposium anlässlich des 10-jährigen Bestehens der ÖGSD, Wien 19.Mai 2017. (ÖGSD Tagungsberichte 2) (pp. 116-119)
  18. Harding, L., & Kremmel, B. (2016). Teacher assessment literacy and professional development. In Tsagari, D., & Banerjee, J. (eds.), Handbook of Second Language Assessment (pp. 413-428), Berlin: De Gruyter.
  19. Kremmel, B., Frick, A., Lutz, S., & Parhammer, S. (2016). Erforschen testen – Tests erforschen. In Hinger, B. (Ed.), Zweite Tagung der Fachdidaktik 2015 “Sprachsensibler Sach-Fach-Unterricht – Sprachen im Sprachunterricht”, Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Fachdidaktik 2 (pp. 233-255), Innsbruck, iup.
  20. Kremmel, B., & Holzknecht, F. (2013) Strengths and weaknesses of the CEFR in guiding test task design: What the can dos can do and what they can’t (yet)”, In J. Colpaert, Simons, M., Aerts, A., & Oberhofer, M. (Eds.): Conference Proceedings, Language testing in Europe: Time for a new framework? University of Antwerp, Belgium, May 27-29 2012 (pp. 153-156). Antwerp: University of Antwerp.


  1. Holzknecht, F., Eberharter, K., Kremmel, B., Zehentner, M., McCray, G., Konrad, E., & Spöttl, C. (2017). Looking into listening: Using eye-tracking to establish the cognitive validity of the Aptis Listening Test. ARAGs Research Reports Online. London: The British Council.


  1. Spöttl, C., & Kremmel, B. (2018). Reforming a national school-leaving exam: Challenges and consequences of Austria implementing a European reference instrument. Paper in Invited Joint ILTA/AAAL Colloquium on “The Next Generation of Policy-Driven Language Testing Systems: Accountability, Consequences, and Learning”, American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Chicago, USA.
  2. Kremmel, B. (2018). Desirable Features in the Next Generation of Vocabulary Tests. Paper in Invited Colloquium on “New Directions in Vocabulary Research”, American Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Chicago, USA (organizer: Norbert Schmitt)
  3. Kremmel, B., Ratheiser, U., & Spöttl, C. (2017). Crossing the borders between literature and language assessment. Paper presented at Language Education across Borders, Universität Graz.
  4. Kremmel, B. (2017). Sprachtesten: Grundlagen und Prinzipien. Guest lecture Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany.
  5. Kremmel, B., Eberharter, K., Holzknecht, F., Konrad, E. (2017). LehrerInnen als AufgabenerstellerInnen für nationale High-Stakes Tests: Auswirkungen auf Assessment literacy. Paper presented at 27. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung, Jena, Germany.
  6. Kremmel, B. (2017). Comparing two approaches to computer-adaptive vocabulary testing. Paper presented at 27th EUROSLA Conference, University of Reading, UK.
  7. Holzknecht, F., Eberharter, K., Kremmel, B., McCray, G., Zehentner, M., Konrad, E., & Spöttl, C. (2017).Kognitive Prozesse von FremdsprachenlernerInnen während Hörverstehensaufgaben: Eine Eye-Tracking und Stimulated-Recall Untersuchung. Poster presented at 10-year Symposium of the Austrian Society for Language Teaching (ÖGSD), University of Vienna.
  8. Kremmel, B. (2017). Entwicklung und Validierung eines computer-adaptiven Wortschatztests. Poster presented at 10-year Symposium of the Austrian Society for Language Teaching (ÖGSD), University of Vienna.
  9. Kremmel, B. (2017). Computer-Adaptive Vocabulary Tests: Is There an Ideal Design Approach? Paper presented at American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Portland, USA.
  10. Kremmel, B. (2017). Kommunikatives Sprachtesten: Grundlagen und Prinzipien. Guest lecture for Seminar “Testen und Prüfen für zukünftige Fremdsprachenlehrerinnen und -lehrer”, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany.
  11. Kremmel, B., Eberharter, K., & Harding, L. (2017). Putting the ‘language’ into language assessment literacy. Paper presented at 39th Language Testing Research Colloquium “Language Assessment Literacy Across Stakeholder Boundaries”, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
  12. Kremmel, B., Eberharter, K., Holzknecht, F., & Konrad, E. (2017). Enhancing language assessment literacy through teacher involvement in high-stakes test development. Paper presented at 39th Language Testing Research Colloquium “Language Assessment Literacy Across Stakeholder Boundaries”, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
  13. Kremmel, B., & Harding, L. (2017). Towards a comprehensive, empirical model of language assessment literacy across different contexts. Paper presented at 39th Language Testing Research Colloquium “Language Assessment Literacy Across Stakeholder Boundaries”, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia.
  14. Eberharter, K., de Jong, N.H., Kremmel, B., & Spöttl, C. (2016).Speaking assessment practices across Europe and beyond – preliminary results. Paper presented at EALTA Speaking SIG Meeting 2016, Valencia, Spain.
  15. Eberharter, K., Kremmel, B., Holzknecht, F., & Konrad, E. (2016). Fostering language assessment literacy through teacher involvement in high-stakes test development.Paper presented at Language Assessment Literacy Symposium 2016 “Enhancing Language Assessment Literacy: Sharing, Broadening, Innovating”, Lancaster University, UK.
  16. Harding, L., & Kremmel, B. (2016). Developing a language assessment literacy survey for use across different contexts. Paper presented at the CRELLA Summer Research Seminar 2016 “Teachers’ Assessment Literacy Enhancement”, University of Bedfordshire, UK.
  17. Kremmel, B. (2016). Starting from scratch: Issues in developing a new diagnostic vocabulary test. Paper presented at Vocab@Tokyo 2016, Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan.
  18. Kremmel, B. (2016). Starting with a clean slate: Innovations in testing vocabulary size. Paper presented at EuroSLA 26, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
  19. Kremmel, B. (2016).Assessment literacy needs analyses – the case of EAP. Paper presented at “EAP in the East Midlands” Conference, Nottingham Trent University, UK.
  20. Kremmel, B. (2016). Re-defining the construct of vocabulary size tests: Challenging Conventions. Paper presented at the 13th Annual EALTA Conference, Valencia, Spain.
  21. Kremmel, B. (2016). Interpreting the Scores from Vocabulary Size Tests: Handle with Caution!.Paper presented at American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Orlando, USA.
  22. Kremmel, B. (2016). Was macht Sprachtests gut?Guest lecture for Seminar “Testen und Prüfen für zukünftige Fremdsprachenlehrerinnen und -lehrer”, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany.
  23. Kremmel, B., Brunfaut, T., & Alderson, J.C. (2016) How important is knowledge of multi-word expressions for reading comprehension?Paper presented at the Formulaic Language Research Network (FLaRN) Conference 2016, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  24. Kremmel, B., & Harding, L. (2016). Towards a comprehensive, empirical model of language assessment literacy – Pilot results from a validation study. Poster presented at Language Assessment Literacy Symposium 2016 “Enhancing Language Assessment Literacy: Sharing, Broadening, Innovating”, Lancaster, UK.
  25. Kremmel, B., & Schmitt, N. (2016).What’s Vocabulary? Challenging Conventions to Re-define the Construct of Vocabulary Size Tests. Paper presented at 38th Language Testing Research Colloquium, Palermo, Italy.
  26. Schmitt, N., & Kremmel, B. (2016).Issues in Vocabulary Test Development: Challenging Conventions. Paper presented at American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Orlando, USA.
  27. González Fernández, B., & Kremmel, B. (2015). New approaches to vocabulary testing: Challenging assumptions.Poster presented at the BAAL Vocabulary Special Interest Group Conference 2015, Swansea, UK.
  28. Kremmel, B. (2015). The more, the merrier? Issues in measuring vocabulary size. Paper presented at the 37th Language Testing Research Colloquium, Toronto, Canada.
  29. Kremmel, B. (2015). The Legend of Zelda – A Link between Words. Paper presented at the Postgraduate Research Symposium of the School of English, Nottingham, UK.
  30. Kremmel, B. (2015). Diagnostisches Sprachtesten – Eine Einführung. Guest lecture at Workshop “Sprachdiagnostik in der Sekundarstufe I/II”, Bochum, Germany.
  31. Kremmel, B. (2015). Grundlagen des Sprachtestens. Guest lecture for Seminar “Testen und Prüfen für zukünftige Fremdsprachenlehrerinnen und -lehrer”, Bochum, Germany.
  32. Kremmel, B., Frick, A., Lutz, S., & Parhammer, S. (2015). Erforschen testen – Tests erforschen. Paper presented at the 2. Tagung der Fachdidaktik, Innsbruck.
  33. Kremmel, B., & Harding, L. (2015). Developing language assessment literacy profiles for different stakeholders – needs, lacks and wants. Paper presented at the 12th Annual EALTA Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  34. Kremmel, B., & Vilkaité, L. (2015). How useful are diagnostic vocabulary tests?Paper presented at the BAAL TEASIG Conference 2015, Cambridge, UK.
  35. Holzknecht, F., & Kremmel, B. (2014). Good practice in language assessment – Session II. Workshop presented at the Study Group Teachers Conference 2014, Brighton, UK.
  36. Kremmel, B. (2014). Exploring different item formats for vocabulary size tests. Paper presented at the IATEFL TEA SIG Conference, Granada, Spain.
  37. Kremmel, B. (2014). Investigating the usefulness of different item formats for vocabulary size tests. Paper presented at the 47thBritish Association of Applied Linguistics Annual Conference, Warwick, UK.
  38. Kremmel, B. (2014).Language testing and vocabulary research – a symbiotic relationship? Poster presented at the Language Testing Forum 2014, Southampton, UK.
  39. Kremmel, B. (2014). When tests don’t pass the test: Illustrating the need for improved vocabulary knowledge measures. Paper presented at the Postgraduate Research Symposium of the School of English, Nottingham, UK.
  40. Kremmel, B., Brunfaut, T., & Alderson, J.C. (2014). Exploring the role of phraseological knowledge in second language reading performance. Poster presented at the 36th Language Testing Research Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  41. Kremmel, B., Brunfaut, T., & Alderson, J.C. (2014). Exploring the role of phraseological knowledge in foreign language reading. Paper presented at the Language Testing Research Group Meeting, Lancaster, UK.
  42. Kremmel, B., Eberharter, K., Konrad, E. & Maurer, M. (2014). Investigating an exam reform’s impact on classroom assessment practices of writing. Paper presented at the 48th Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition, Harrogate, UK.
  43. Kremmel, B., & Holzknecht, F. (2014). Good practice in language assessment – Session I. Paper presented at the Study Group Teachers Conference 2014, Brighton, UK.
  44. Kremmel, B. (2013). Explaining variance in reading test performance. Paper presented at the Language Testing Research Group Meeting, Lancaster, UK.
  45. Kremmel, B. (2013). Explaining Variance in Reading Test Performance. Paper presented at the Language Testing Forum 2013, Nottingham, UK.
  46. Kremmel, B., Eberharter, K., Konrad, E., & Maurer, M. (2013). Righting writing practices: The impact of exam reform. Poster presented at the 10th Annual EALTA Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.
  47. Kremmel, B., & Holzknecht, F. (2013). Strengths and weaknesses of the CEFR in guiding test task design: What the can dos can do and what they can’t (yet). Paper presented at conference “Language Testing in Europe: Time for a New Framework?”, Antwerp, Belgium.