
04/2017    Metametrics & British Council Research into Reading Grant 2017 for project proposal “Text and task features of university reading materials in relation to Aptis and Lexile scores”, with Spöttl, C., Holzknecht, F., & Zehentner, M. (12 months, starting Sept 2017) (£15,000)

01/2017    EALTA Financial Support for Workshops and Events 2017 for a series of workshops in Lithuania on classroom-based assessment, with M. Yoder (LCC Klaipeda) and L. Vilkaité (University of Vilnius)

11/2016    Nomination for LehrePlus! Preis für exzellente und innovative Lehre der Universität Innsbruck (Award for excellence and innovation in teaching)

03/2016    APTIS Assessment Research Award, British Council (£2400)

01/2016    “Graduate School Travel Prize”, Graduate School, University of Nottingham, UK (£600)

12/2015    TOEFL Small Grant for Doctoral Research in Second or Foreign Language Assessment, ETS ($2000)

12/2015    “Postgraduate Funding from the School’s Research Committee”, School of English, University of Nottingham, UK (£300)

07/2015    Award for “Best Poster of the Conference”, BAAL Vocabulary Special Interest Group Conference, Swansea, UK, with B. González Fernández

05/2015    Award “Best Presentation of the Symposium“, Postgraduate Research Symposium, School of English, University of Nottingham, UK

04/2015    British Council Assessment Research Grant 2015 for project “Looking into Listening”, with C. Spöttl, F. Holzknecht, K. Eberharter and E. Konrad, (12 months)

03/2015    Robert Lado Memorial Award 2015 for Best Graduate Student Paper at LTRC ($500)

06/2014    Commendation by Jury of LFUI Best Student Paper Award 2014, Universität Innsbruck (500€)

05/2014    Award “Best Presentation of the Symposium“, Postgraduate Research Symposium, School of English, University of Nottingham, UK

10/2013    Doctoral stipend, Universität Innsbruck

10/2013    Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award 2013 (£1000)

04/2013    British Council “Innovation in Assessment in Award” (£1000), with C. Spöttl, K. Eberharter, D. Frötscher and the SRP Team of the University of Innsbruck